Plastic surgery is not just about improving someone’s physical appearance. It is about helping them rebuild their lives. Reconstructive surgery is not spoken of often. Most surgeons work within a small subset of all the possible cosmetic procedures. This work often leads them to both personal appearance improvement as well as aiding those with natural or accidental disfigurement. You plastic surgeon may work on accident victims or cancer survivors in between seeing patients who want to improve their looks. The impact of both types of work is large. For many, an improved appearance boosts physical and psychological health. For reconstructive patients, the impact is even larger.

If your plastic surgeon works exclusively on the face or skull, he is a cranio-maxillofacial specialist. He is the one that does the rhinoplasty or face-lifts. This specialty can take age off of a face quickly. He also works to rebuild faces destroyed in accidents or fires. They help children deal with birth defects or features out of proportion to their face. This impact on both sides is great. Those seeking appearance improvement benefit from the more natural appearance to their faces. Those seeking reconstructive plastic surgery benefit with having their looks rebuilt.


If your plastic surgeon works exclusively on the breast region, he is a breast specialist. He can help women augment, reduce, or lift their bust lines. This helps them have a more confident air in public. For those seeking reconstructive plastic surgery, most are breast cancer survivors. After a mastectomy, many women have deep scars from losing such a symbol of their womanhood. Having an implant put in can restore their shape and give them back their smile. While the scars may never go away, they will fade a bit after they complete this surgery.

A plastic surgeon may specialize in treating burn victims. This specialty helps restore mobility as well as appearances. Making lives better means giving them back as much of their previous life as possible. Burn victims deal with pain and scarring constantly. The hope brought by plastic surgery brings light back into their eyes. They can help generate skin grafts to cover scarring. They can help reconstruct faces devastated by flames. While the results may not be perfect, they offer hope to those without much. It gets people ready to reenter life and living. These surgeons do work on many people. Many want their appearance improved. Others need their help to live a normal life.

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About Author:

Alex Rootsman is a writer covering information like Baltimore Maryland Plastic Surgery . If Plastic Surgery is something you are considering visit Baltimore Maryland Plastic Surgeons to get valuable information. Author: Alex Rootsman