MLM Training: Quickly Overcome The Fear Of Public Speaking


Tim Sales, MLM Mentor

In MLM, speaking to the public whether one-on-one or in large crowds is a normal, everyday routine. But what if you fear speaking in public? Many of us have been there: clammy hands, loss of words, buckling knees…. Keep reading to learn an easy and effective way to overcome this barrier to your MLM success.

Theresa emailed the following question via the website:

“Hello. I have been in this business for four months and have learned one thing about myself: I cannot speak in front of large crowds, HELP!”

Response to the email:

Theresa, I can help you with this.

Since you included the words “large crowds”, I’m going to assume that your statement of “I cannot speak in front of large crowds” has to do with fear.


Just so you don’t get the idea that I’m a “born speaker”, I’ll give you a short story.

The first time I was asked to speak at a network marketing event was a small Saturday training. The speaker stepped down from the small stage and said, “Now I’d like to hear from some of our up and coming people”, and handed me the microphone and said, “Stand up and tell us your name.” Startled, I stood up and turned around to face the people in the audience. All I can remember is that I had never seen so many eyeballs in my life and I froze solid. I didn’t say a word; I felt my face turn hot. I saw a lady about 3 rows back with a look of pity as she was embarrassed for me. The speaker was trying to remove the microphone from my hand and I remember her saying, “While he’s trying to remember his name, we’ll go to someone else.”

That was it; my first experience. Not exactly a positive one. So Theresa, I can relate if you fear speaking. Although I can’t really say what I had was fear, it was more like terror!

But now I speak in front of crowds of thousands!

So it is NOT a lifelong illness, unless you make it so.

Throughout the years, I’ve provided

MLM training

that has helped many people get past this fear. Obviously I was the first person who had to get past it. Since that first bad experience and then solving it, I’ve helped many people with it.

While I don’t claim to know the root cause for you Theresa (because people have different past experiences), I can tell you one common theme throughout all people who are afraid of speaking in public, which is: they are focusing on themselves instead of the audience. They are being interested in themselves instead of interested in their audience.

So whether you got laughed at in the 4th grade spelling bee or kicked out of choir class or turned down when asking a girl to the prom, it’s irrelevant. It’s also irrelevant if the reason for your fear is that you don’t want to sound stupid. The fundamental issue is you’re focusing on yourself instead of your audience.

So if you find yourself in fear. just get your focus off yourself and onto your audience. How do you do that? Well, it depends on if you’re already in front of them or waiting to speak. If you’re nervous before you speak, go talk to people who are going to be in the audience and ask them what they are there for; what do they hope to learn or what do they hope to get out of your presentation, or ask them what problems they’re having on the subject you’re speaking on.

If you’re already on the stage and get fearful, immediately get the thought: “What do they need, how can I help them?” If you need to and it’s appropriate, ASK THEM A QUESTION. Something like, “On the subject of ______, what have you heard? What are you confused about? What do you need explained?” I know this seems like an incredibly simple solution to a topic that authors write entire books on, but regardless of its simplicity, it does work. But you have to truly get your focus off yourself; you can’t fake this.

In public speaking, if you focus on the fear. you will lose control; your knees will shake, your face will burn and your mouth will turn to cotton, just to name a few! But if instead, as soon as you get the first hit of fear: JUST PUT YOUR FOCUS ON YOUR AUDIENCE; OR ONE PERSON IN THE AUDIENCE; OR ONE PERSON YOU SPOKE WITH PRIOR TO STARTING OR THE MAIN TOPIC THAT YOU KNOW WILL HELP YOUR AUDIENCE.

I hope this helps you,

Tim Sales

P.S. From the moment you meet a prospect, proper communication will make or break whatever relationship you hope to create. Whether you’re talking to an individual or a group, knowing the Ten Communication Qualities will cause your prospect to listen to you and to follow your suggestions. My NEW “Brilliant Communicator Workbook” will drill these qualities into you so they’re second nature. You’ll never experience fear of speaking again.

Get your “Brilliant Communicator” training here.

Tim Sales helps network marketers gain the confidence and skills to be an MLM success. Learn how to become a true network marketing professional and sign up for his free MLM training newsletter and listen to free training at


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